Top 10 Best Ways to increase Websites Traffic

Top 10 Best Way to increase Websites Traffic

Top 10 Best Ways to increase Websites Traffic

It can be difficult for many companies to think of fresh approaches that will help them attract more customers to their websites. Misinformation abounds on the internet about how to increase traffic, leading some to repeatedly try the same ineffective methods.

Here are ten tried-and-true strategies for boosting website traffic without breaking the bank.

1. Perform Keyword Research

Initially, you should conduct keyword research.

Keep your content up-to-date by using relevant keywords. When writing, keywords should be incorporated naturally into the text rather than crammed in so that they become a distraction. Use the keyword in the meta description, page title, URL, headers, and a few times throughout the content.

Tools like Moz, Ahrefs, and SEMrush can be used for keyword research. There is a wealth of information that can be gleaned from these sites to inform keyword strategy, including the words and phrases being used by competitors, the frequency with which those words and phrases are searched, the cost of pay-per-click advertisements, related words and phrases, and more. Another option is to hire a search engine optimization (SEO) firm, which can provide expert advice and conduct site audits to find problems that are preventing your site from being indexed.

 2. Create Memorable Content

It's not enough to merely publish material; it must also be of a quality that stands out from the crowd. In fact, creating content that people find helpful and memorable is one of the best ways to boost website traffic.

People use search engines like Google to get detailed, precise responses to their inquiries; your content should be among those results. Websites with blog sections typically have 434% more pages indexed by search engines than those without. Furthermore, the traffic to websites that publish more than 16 articles per month is nearly 3.5 times that of websites that publish between 0 and 4 articles per month.

If you give thought to what you're publishing, update frequently, and consider your audience in your decisions, you should see an increase in site visits.

3. Influencer Outreach

Influencer Outreach

Professional opinion leaders are always looking for engaging material to distribute to their fans. There are a number of ways for businesses to network with influencers, such as:

  • Make sure to include the influencer's handle in your social media post's hash tag if you use any of their work in your own.
  • Engage the influencer in a Q&A or interview, then mention them in a post or send them an email. Almost certainly, they will promote your material to their followers.
  • Promote a round-up post in which multiple influencers participate (e.g., "10 Experts Predict Small Business Trends for 2020") by tagging all of the contributors.
  • Influencers can be compensated for displaying advertisements on their social media profiles.

To find the right influencers in your industry, you can use tools like HypeAuditor and BuzzSumo, or you can hire a digital marketing agency to do the outreach for you.

4. Keep Active Social Media Pages

increase Websites Traffic through social media

The power of social media to increase website traffic is enormous. The following are some suggestions for using it to attract more visitors to your website:

  • Distribute your content (blog posts, e-books, white papers, infographics, videos, etc.) across your various social media channels.
  • Engage your audience by commenting on their posts, sharing your own, and tagging friends.
  • Apply appropriate hashtags
  • When you have something new to share, make sure to change the link in your bio to reflect that.
  • Promote new content by updating the cover photo and tagging relevant influencers; include teasers from the content to get people to click through;
  • Answer questions asked by others by providing them with links to your articles.

5. Use Advertising to Increase Website Traffic

Pay-per-click (PPC), social media, and display advertising can all be effective ways to attract more visitors to your site. The average cost per click for Google Ads on the search network is between $1 and $2, so it's important to set budgets and goals before pouring a lot of money into it. Users can block display ads, for example.

For example, when launching a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaign, it is best to begin with a single campaign and several ad groups that each contain your primary target keywords. Learn how audiences respond to different keywords once campaigns have begun. Perhaps one keyword only generated impressions but no clicks or sales, while another generated interest and action.

6. Send Email Newsletters

Email Newsletters

Using email newsletters to promote content is a great strategy for driving more visitors to a website. In this article, we will go over some of the most effective methods of using email marketing:

  • Both the subject line and the body of the email should contain intriguing details from the content.
  • Add a way for subscribers to click through to additional content.
  • Ensure that your emails are accessible on mobile devices. Considering that nearly half of all emails are opened on mobile devices, it's imperative that all links be clearly visible.
  • Include the subscriber's name as a means of personalization.
  • Use professionally designed email templates to improve the email's aesthetics.
  • To find out which email versions get the most clicks and opens, you can conduct an A/B test.

7. Create Guest Posts

To improve your website's visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs), you should consider writing guest posts for other websites. To improve your chances of getting published on a relevant website, you should always do extensive research before pitching.

Before you commit to guest posting on a website, it's a good idea to investigate its content quality, domain authority, and policies. Be sure to inquire as to whether or not the publication will share and tag you in social media posts promoting the article.

8. Create a Helpful Industry Tool or Content

Make a useful tool or piece of content for your industry and distribute it to your audience to boost traffic. Our content marketing agency, for instance, made available to the public a downloadable editorial calendar template. Our primary motivation for developing this resource was to facilitate content production and distribution for marketers.

Construct and distribute free of charge on your websites a variety of useful resources for your industry. Maximize your earnings and generate new leads by publishing gated content/tools (providing access to the content/tools in exchange for the user's contact details). Promoting the content/tools on industry-specific LinkedIn Groups and other forums can also help bring in more visitors.

9. Submit Press Releases to Influential Publications

Press Releases to Influential Publications

A company making a press release to promote itself or its clients shouldn't just throw it up on a press release syndication website and hope for the best. They should distribute the press release widely by sending it to major players in their respective fields' online and print media.

The blogs and publications read by our client's target audience are the ones we send press releases to when we have good news to share. We'll be able to gather a large number of new leads and increase the client's referral traffic as a result.

10. Exchange Backlinks

There are numerous opportunities for backlink exchanges as a result of the large number of businesses actively seeking to increase website traffic. Make contact with related websites, and suggest that they use your content as a source in one of their articles. As an added bonus, you can propose a link exchange where both of your sites benefit by including one another's links in a post.

That's exactly what we did for Rainbow Muffler & Brake, one of our clients. Our team wrote a blog post entitled "The Necessary Car Checklist for Your Road Trip" to help them prepare for their trip. Using Pitchbox, we identified related websites and reached out to them, asking if they would promote our post.

Join this more advanced online SEO course if you want to learn everything there is to know about search engine optimization (SEO). You will learn how to bring a website to the first page of Google in this class, as well as learn basic to advanced techniques related to search engine optimization (SEO).

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